Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Hello everyone, Aige here.

Just wanted to let you all know that I am stuck in some kind of rut, some kind of writer's block perhaps. I'm slacking on the great content that I want to come with this blog. I have no idea what's up with me. I have ideas for posts, but can't get them out. I can't complete an outline (which is always the case with me), can't start a post without deleting it. Craziness! I'm usually able to add something when the blog becomes a little dormant, but I can't even do that.

With that said, over the next week or so, I will be immersing myself in new research. I'm back home from school, so I've got some time on my hands (for now). I will be doing my regular internet reading/searching and making visits to my local library often so that I can provide you all with the great content you deserve.

As always, thank you for sticking with me and People of Color in Classic Film.



  1. Derome Smith5/15/13, 9:00 AM

    so proud of you with this blog. There is so much material out there to blog about when it comes to the rich history of People of Color in film. I know you will have some inspiration soon.

    By the way did you know that Gilpin Court in Richmond (the projects) was named after Charles Gilpin. Check him out. He was mostly a stage actor but from Richmond. Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, also a Richmond native, did everything from vaudeville to Broadway, to film.

  2. Thanks Mr. Smith for your encouragement and suggestions!

    I know this is going to sound like bullcrap, but ironically as I was going to bed last night Charles Gilpin and Bojangles and old Jackson Ward popped up in my mind, but for some reason I didn't think about doing a post on them and you've just given me a great idea for a post! =)


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