Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Great Gatsby (2012)

I must first admit that I have yet to read the novel and I believe my mom actually does have it. I promise to read it! But...let's get into the upcoming movie:

The Great Gatsby 

First of all...the movie stars Leonardo DiCaprio. That alone makes me go:

I absolutely LOVE Leonardo DiCaprio and I love the roles that he takes on.

The film also stars Tobey McGuire and Carey Mulligan, and is directed by the phenomenal director Baz Luhrmann. 

I believe the film may also have a modern twist to it as well, as Baz Luhrmann tends to do with most of his films (i.e. Romeo and Juliet, also starring Leo & Moulin Rouge). Some people may find that a little frustrating and even though I'm usually not a big fan of remakes or any kind of "twisting" to something classic--based on the trailer the movie actually looks refreshingly different, daring, and pretty darn good. 

The Great Gatsby will also be in 3D--something else I'm not a big fan of, but you won't see me griping about it like most people do.

I'm very excited to see this movie and there's already quite a buzz about it on the internet! 

The Great Gatbsy(2012) is set to open in theaters Christmas Day of this year.

Click this link to check out the trailer:

Will "The Great Gatsby" be on your "Must-See" movie list this year?


  1. I love the pictures you post! They are always entertaining. That's one of the things I loooove about your blogs, even if its a subject I don't find interesting, I get a laugh out of it. oh this is Ebony if it doesn't pull my name from my phone! Oh and I gotta watch Romeo and Juliet again, I started it but I never finished. I love Leo too!!

    1. Lol thank you. I love my gif photos lol


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